
Revues avec Comité de Lecture (Répertoriées dans les bases) - PAVeA - [2024 - 2020]

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  1. Cojean, S., Deperrois, R., Taillandier-Schmitt, A., & Combalbert, N. (2024). Socio-demographic Variables and Impulsivity Can Affect the Decision to Use Legitimate Violence Amongst French Gendarmes. Journal of  Police and Criminal Psychology, 39, 44–54. Q1.
  2. Deperrois, R., Ouhmad, N. & Combalbert, N. (2024). Impulsivity, emotional disorders and cognitive distortions in the general population: highlighting general interaction profiles. Cognitive Processing. Q3.
  3. Fernandez, A., Guenegou, L., Corcia, P., & Bailly, N. (2024). The effect of social support on the emotional well-being of people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Exploring the mediating role of spirituality. Palliative and Supportive Care, 1–8. Q2.
  4. Ouhmad, N., Combalbert, N., & El Hage, W. (2024). The association between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and executive functioning. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 1-12. Q2.
  5. Van Dendaele, E., Pothier, K. & Bailly, N. (2024). Profiles of well-being in French older adults and associations with successful aging and personality: findings from the SHARE project. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 36, 82 (2024). Q2.
  6. Zekriyazdi, F. S., & Combalbert, N. (17 august 2023 - Preprint). Effect of Avoidance and Anxiety Dimensions of Attachment (AADA) on Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies (CERS) in the French General Population: A comparison between Men and Women. Authorea. doi: 10.22541/au.169228821.12363930/v1.


  1. Badin, L., Bailly, N., & Pennequin, V. (2023). Implementation of equine-assisted intervention for older adults with Alzheimer’s disease residing in a nursing home : Brakes and levers. International Journal of Older People Nursing. Q2.
  2. Bodi, G., Maintenant, C., & Pennequin, V. (2023). Les joueurs de jeux vidéo : qui sont-ils ? Qui joue à quoi ? Quels sont les risques ? Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence71(3), 134-142. Q3.
  3. Cuniah, M., Bréchon, G., & Bailly, N. (2023). La spiritualité dans le cadre d’une maladie incurable : points de vue des patients. Psycho-Oncol. 17(2), 71-78. Q4.
  4. Dougez, C., Taillandier-Schmitt, A., & Combalbert, N. (2023). Influence of gendering and ethinicity on perceptions and stereotypes of a person accused of a terrorist act. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression. Q2.
  5. Duflos, M., & Giraudeau, C. (2023). “If She’s Sad, I’m Sad Too” Emotional Closeness Between French Grandparents and Emerging Adult Grandchildren : Between Emotional Bonding and Emotional Worries. Emerging Adulthood. 11(1), 3–14. Q2.
  6. Duflos, M., Mansson, D.H., Cès, P.,  & Giraudeau, C. (2023). Like-Grandparent Like-Grandchild: Strengthening Emotional Closeness Through Affectionate Communication and Personality Similarities. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships00(00), 1–21. Q3.
  7. Frisbi, B.N., Mansson, D.H., & Giraudeau, C. (2023, on line). The Influence of French Instructors’ Rhetorical and Relational Communication on Students’ Instructional Beliefs, Behaviors, and Perceived Learning. Communication Education. Q1.
  8. Hervé, C. (2023). Adaptation and Validation of a French-Language Measurement Scale for Workplace Harassment (HMT). Psychology, 14(11), 1698-1711. NA.  
  9. Leclercq, M., Gimenes, G., Maintenant, C. & Clerc, J. (2023). Goal choice in preschoolers is influenced by context, cognitive flexibility and metacognition. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1063566. Q1.
  10. L’Espinay, A.-S., Margine, D., & Bailly, N. (2023, on line). “Soins Palliatifs “ : Représentations sociales, valence associée et pratiques selon le métier. Medecine Palliative. Q3.
  11. Loggia, G., Pellichero, A., Moutoussamy, I., Morello, R., Pothier, K., & Chavoix, C. (2023). The PAPA questionnaire: assessment of long-term engagement in activities, with separate quantification of their physical, cognitive, and social components. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 18, 327-341. Q1.
  12. Moutoussamy, I., Taconnat, L., Villatte, J., Toussaint, L., & Pothier, K. (2023). Etudier le vieillissement mnésique d’un point de vue incarné : réflexions théoriques sur l’apport des simulateurs de vieillissement. L’Année Psychologique, 123, 641-671. Q3.
  13. Ouhmad, N., Deperrois, R., Combalbert, N., & El-Hage, W.  (2023). The Role of Anxiety and Depression in the Emotion Regulation Strategies of People Suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 157(3), 143-159, Q2.
  14. Ouhmad, N., Deperrois, R., El-Hage, W., & Combalbert, N. (2023). Cognitive distortions, anxiety, and depression in individuals suffering from PTSD. International Journal of Mental Health, Q2.
  15. Ouhmad, N., El-Hage, W., & Combalbert, N. (2023). Emotion regulation and executive functioning in female victims of sexual assault suffering from PTSD. Psychiatry Research, 115470. Q1.
  16.  Ouhmad, N., El-Hage, W., & Combalbert, N. (2023). Maladaptive cognitions and emotions regulation in posttraumatic stress disorder. Neuropsychiatrie. Q3.
  17. Pothier, K., Kaushal, N., Vrinceanu, T., Lussier, M., Bailly, N., Comte, F., Vu, T.T.M., Berryman, N., & Bherer, L. (2023). Bridging the Gap between Research and the Community: Implementing Physical and Cognitive Interventions to Improve Spontaneous Walking Speed in Older Adults. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 20 (1), 762. Q1.


  1. Badin, L., Alibran, E., Pothier, K., & Bailly, N. (2022). Effects of equine-assisted interventions on older adults’ health: A systematic review, International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 9(4), 542-552 . Q1.
  2. Bailly, N., Pothier, K., Ouhmad, N., Deperrois, R., Cojean, S., & Combalbert, N. (2022, online). Effects of gender and age on Cognitive Emotional Regulation. Current Psychology. Q2.
  3. Deperrois, R., & Combalbert, N. (2022). Study of the links between impulsivity and cognitive emotion regulation strategies according to sex and age in non-clinical adulthood. Current Psychology, 41(3), 1-7. Q2.
  4. Deperrois, R., & Combalbert, N. (2022). Links between cognitive distortions and cognitive emotion regulation strategies in non-clinical young adulthood. Cognitive Processing, 23(1), 69-77. Q3.
  5. Dougez, C., Taillandier-Schmitt, A., & Combalbert, N. (2022, online). Influence of sex on judgments of an aggressive North African woman. Psychologie française. . Q4.
  6. Dougez, C., Taillandier-Schmitt, A., & Combalbert, N. (2022, online). The effect on judgment of attributing religious affiliation to a terrorist suspect. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. Q2.
  7. Downey, R.I., Bherer, L., Pothier, K., Vrinceanu, T., Inzandt, B., Berryman, N., Lussier, M., Vincent, T., Karelis, A., Nigam, A., Vu, T.T.M., Bosquet, L., & Li, K.Z.H. (2022). Multiple routes to help you roam: A comparison of training interventions to improve cognitive-motor dual-tasking in healthy older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, section Neurocognitive Aging and Behavior, 14:710958. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.710958. Q1.
  8. Duflos, M., & Giraudeau, C. (2022). Using the intergenerational solidarity framework to understand the grandparent–grandchild relationship: a scoping review. European  Journal of Ageing, 19, 233–262. Q1.
  9. Duflos, M., Giraudeau, C., & Ferrand, C. (2022). What is emotional closeness between grandparents and their adolescent grandchildren? A systematic review. Journal of Family Studies, 28(2), 762-784, Q2.
  10. Giraudeau, C., Duflos, M., & Chasseigne, G. (2022). Adolescents ’ Conceptions of “ Good ” Grandparents : A Reversal Theory Approach. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 20(2), 150-167. Q3.
  11. Igier, S., & Pennequin, V. (2022). The role of familiarity with the experimenter on cognitive performance, metacognition, pro-social behaviors, and the well-being of adults with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 68(3), 281-289. Q2.
  12. Igier, S., & Pennequin, V. (2022). Roles of the metacognition and emotional systems in a categorization task for adults with moderate and severe learning disabilities. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities. Q3.
  13. Maisonneuve, C., & Taillandier-Schmitt, A. (2022). Empathy Arousal and Emotional Reactions to Victims of the Gender Pay Gap. The Journal of Social Psychology. NA.
  14. Mansson, D.H., Duflos, M., & Giraudeau, C. (2022). Comparing U.S. and French grandparent-grandchild relationships, Communication Research Reports, 39(1), 12-23, Q1.
  15. Martinot, D., Sicard, A., Gul, B., Yakimova, S., Taillandier-Schmitt, A., & Maintenant, C. (2022). Peers and teachers as the best source of social support for school engagement for both advantaged and priority education area students. Front. Psychol., 13, 958286. Q1.
  16. Moutoussamy, I., Taconnat, L., Pothier, K., Toussaint, L., & Fay, S. (2022). Episodic memory and aging: Benefits of physical activity depend on the executive resources required for the task. PLoS ONE, 17(2), e0263919. Q1.
  17. Pothier, K., Gana, W., Bailly, N., & Fougère, B. (2022). Associations Between Frailty and Inflammation, Physical, and Psycho-Social Health in Older Adults: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 805501. Q1.
  18. Van Dendaele, E., Bailly, N., Aïdoud, A., Gaze, C., Le Duoget, C., Ferrec, N., Fougère, B., & Pothier, K. (2022). De l’hôpital au domicile, des exercices d’activité physique adaptée pour lutter contre la dépendance des personnes âgées : étude de faisabilité. Les Cahiers de Neuropsychologie Clinique, 9, 84-93.  NA.
  19. Van Wymelbeke-Delannoy, V., Maître, I., Salle, A., Lesourd, B., Bailly, N., & Sulmont-Rossé, C. (2022). Prevalence of malnutrition risk among older French adults with culinary dependence. Age and Ageing, 51(1), afab208. Q1.
  20. Vrinceanu, T., Blanchette, C. A., Intzandt, B., Lussier, M., Pothier, K., Vu, T. T. M., Nigam, A., Bosquet, L., Karelis, A. D., Li, K. Z. H., Berryman, N., & Bherer, L. (2022). A comparison of the effect of physical activity and cognitive training on dual-task performance in older adults. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 77(6), 1069-1079. Q1.


  1. Bentahila, L., Fontaine, R., & Pennequin, V. (2021). Universality and Cultural Diversity in Moral Reasoning and Judgment. Front. Psychol. 12:764360. Q1.
  2. Bodi, G., Maintenant, C., & Pennequin, V. (2021). The role of maladaptive cognitions in gaming disorder: Differences between online and offline gaming types. Addictive Behaviors, 112, 106595. Q1.
  3. Bodi, G., Maintenant, C., Yakimova, S., & Pennequin, V. (2021). Adaptation et validation française de l'ECJV : Echelle de Cognitions liées aux Jeux Vidéo. Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 69(2), 97-104. . Q3.
  4. Cuniah, M., Bréchon, G., & Bailly, N. (2021). Validation of the Revised Collett–Lester Fear of Death Scale in a French Population. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 4932. Q1.
  5. De Souto Barreto, P., Pothier, K., Soriano, G., Lussier, M., Bherer, L., Guyonnet, S., Piau, A., P.-J. Ousset, P.-J., & Vellas, B. (2021). A Web-Based Multidomain Lifestyle Intervention for Older Adults: The eMIND Randomized Controlled Trial. The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease, 8, 142–150. Q1.
  6. Duflos, M., Giraudeau, C., Bailly, N., & Mansson, D. (2021). Validity and Reliability of the French Version of the Grandchildren’s Received Affection Scale. Journal of Family Communication, 21(1), 63-69. Q1.
  7. Duflos, M., Giraudeau, C., Mansson, D. H., Bailly, N., & Ferrand, C. (2021). The Ideal Grandparent Scale: Validation in a French Young Adults Population. Ageing International, 46, 296-310. .Q3.
  8. Ferrand, C., & Martinent, G. (2021). Need Frustration and Depressive Symptoms in French Older People: Using a Self-Determination Approach. Aging & Mental Health, 25(6), 1094-1100. .Q1.
  9. Forget, S., Pennequin, V., Agli, O., & Bailly, N. (2021). Brakes and levers to implement an animal-assisted intervention in nursing homes : preliminary study. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 56. Q1.
  10. Igier, S., & Pennequin, V. (2021). Links of socio-emotional context on performance in categorization task of adults with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 15 (2/3), 55-65. Q3.
  11. Maintenant, C., Nanty, I., & Pivry, S. (2021). Flexibilité catégorielle chez des enfants scolarisés en ULIS : les effets d’un étayage métacognitif. Pratiques psychologiques, 27(2), 93-106. doi : 10.1016/j.prps.2020.09.004. Q4.
  12. Maître, I., Sulmont-Rossé, C., Van Wymelbeke, V., Cariou, V., Bailly, N., Ferrandi, J.M., Salle, A., Cardon, P., Amand, M. Manckoundia, P., Symoneaux R., Issanchou, S., & Vigneau, E. (2021). Food perception, lifestyle, nutritional and health status in the elderly: Typologies and factors associated with aging well. Appetite, 164, 105223. Q1.
  13. Nanty, I., Gobet, P., & Bailly, N. (2021). La méthode agile, une nouvelle méthode pour promouvoir l’accompagnement inclusif. Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, 27(1), 43-52. Q4.
  14. Oubrahim, L., & Combalbert, N. (2021). Frequency and Origin (reactive/proactive) of Aggressive Behavior in Young People with Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum. Disorder. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 67(3), 209-216 Q4.
  15. Pennequin, V., Igier, S., Pivry, S., & Gaschet, N. (2021). Disabilities Metacognition and emotion in adolescents with intellectual disability: Links with categorization performance. Current Psychology. Q2.
  16. Pothier, K., Vrinceanu, T., Intzandt, B., Bosquet, L., Karelis, A. D., Lussier, M., ... & Bherer, L. (2021). A comparison of physical exercise and cognitive training interventions to improve determinants of functional mobility in healthy older adults. Experimental Gerontology, 149, 111331. Q2.
  17. Robert, A., Combalbert, N., Pennequin, V., Deperrois, R., & Ouhmad, N. (2021, online). Création de l’Échelle de Distorsions Cognitives pour adultes (EDC-A) : étude des propriétés psychométriques en population générale et association avec l’anxiété et la dépression / Development of the Cognitive Distortion Scale for Adults (EDC-A) : Study of psychometric properties in the general population and association with anxiety and depression. Psychologie française. Q4.
  18. Saillant, K., Langeard, A., Kaushal, N., Vu, T.T.M., Pothier, K., Langlois, F., Nigam, A., Juneau, M., & Bherer, L. (2021). Statin use moderates the beneficial effects of aerobic exercise on older adults' performances on the Stroop test: A subanalysis. Experimental Gerontology, 147, 111277. Q2.
  19. Sakellariou, P., Combalbert, N., & Taillandier-Schmitt, A. (2021). Homophobie intériorisée, homoparentalité et développement de l’enfant : une revue systématique de la littérature. Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence, 69(7), 369-379. Q4.
  20. Vancappel, A., Jansen, E., Ouhmad, N., Desmidt, T., Etain, B., Bergey, C., D’Ussel, M., Krebs, M. O., Paquet, C., Réveillère, C., Hingray, C., & El-Hage, W. (2021). Psychological impact of exposure to the COVID-19 Sanitary crisis on french healthcare workers: risk factors and coping strategies. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12. Q1.


  1. Bailly, N., Sanchez, S, Ferrand, C., Souesme, G., Giraudeau, C., & Agli, O. (2020). The impact of street clothes among caregivers on residents with dementia in special care units: the STRECLO study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(9/10), 1723-1732. Q1.
  2. Bailly, N., Van Wymelbeke, V., Maître, I., & Sulmont-Rossé C. (2020). The assessment of eating pleasure among older adults: Development and preliminary validation of the anticipatory and consummatory eating pleasure (ACEPS), 24, 606-613. Journal of nutrition, health and aging. Q1.
  3. Cojean, S., Combalbert, N., & Taillandier-Schmitt, A. (2020). Psychological and sociological factors influencing police officers' decisions to use force: a systematic literature review. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 70, 101569. Q2.
  4. Combalbert, N., & Pennequin, V. (2020). L’effet de l’âge et de la durée d’incarcération sur la santé mentale des détenus âgés/ Effect of age and time spent in prison on the mental health of elderly prisoners. Annales Médico-psychologiques, 178, 264-270. Q2.
  5. Delaville, E., & Pennequin, V. (2020). Foster Placement Disruptions in France : Effects on Children and Adolescents’ Emotional Regulation. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 37, 527-536. Q2.
  6. Ferrand, C., Martinent, G., Bailly, N., Giraudeau, C., Pothier, K., & Agli, O. (2020). Change of depressive symptoms in a French nine-year longitudinal study of aging: Gender differences and relationships between social support, health status and depressive symptoms. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 89, 104059. Q1.
  7. Intzandt, B., Vrinceanu, T., Pothier, K., Nigam, A., Vu, T. M., Li, K., ... & Bherer, L. (2020). Systolic Blood Pressure And Heart Rate Recovery Are Related To Cognition In Healthy Older Adults. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 52(7S), 8-8. doi: 10.1249/01.mss.0000670028.56653.08. Q1.
  8. Kuhnel, M. L., Garcia, M., Rode, R., Sammut, L., & Ferrand, C. (2020). Le positive care en EHPAD : une approche holistique en plein essor et porteuse de sens. NPG Neurologie-Psychiatrie-Geriatrie, 20, 166-172. Q4.
  9. Langeard, A., Fakrahnak, Z., Vrinceanu, T., de la Colina, A., Pothier, K., Berryman, N., Vu, T., T., M., Girouard, H., Karelis, A., D., & Bherer, L. (2020). Sex-moderated association between body composition and cognition in older adults. Experimental gerontology, 138, 111002. Q2.
  10. Loggia, G., Attoh-Mensah, E., Pothier, K., Morello, R., Lescure, P., Bocca, M. L., Marcelli, C., & Chavoix, C. (2020). Psychotropic Polypharmacy in Adults 55 Years or Older: A Risk for Impaired Global Cognition, Executive Function, and Mobility. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 10, 1659. Q1.
  11. Oubrahim, L., & Combalbert, N. (2020). Study of the psychometric properties and population norms of the C-SHARP in a representative French population. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour, 12(1), 1-11. Q3.
  12. Pivry, S., Bréchon, G., & Scelles, R. (2020). Processus dépressif chez l’adolescent deficient moteur avec troubles cognitifs associés, accueilli en Institut d’Education Motrice : étude qualitative et prospective. Neuropsychiatrie de l’enfance et de l’adolescence, 68(2), 83-92. Q3.
  13. Souesme, G., Martinent, G., Akour, D., Giraudeau, C., & Ferrand, C. (2020). Causality Orientations and Supportive/Controlled Environment: Understanding Their Influence on Basic Needs, Motivation for Health and Emotions in French Hospitalized Older Adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1-11. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.575489. Q1.
  14. Taillandier-Schmitt, A., & Combalbert, N. (2020). Too similar or too different: Effect of acculturation strategies on judgments of a violent act committed by a Vietnamese offender. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 77, 110-118. Q2.
  15. Vanhove-Meriaux, C., Martinent, G., & Ferrand, C. (2020). Adaptation and Validation of the French Psychological Need Frustration Scale for Older Adults. Ageing International, 45, 99–117. Q3.